Saturday, December 4, 2010

One of my best memories

I had a handful of best unforgettable memories while I was in Europe.  One of my best memories would be my host family. When they first picked me up in a camper from the park, I knew they would be cool and nice. It was my host mom, dad and they two girls, aged 17 and 19.  I had a very warm welcome from all of them. They lived in a very nice house in the hills of Bristol, England. I really liked the dinners they prepared for us. I have never tried so many different kinds of food in my life. We had everything from English burgers to Mediterranean sea food. I looked forward to dinner at 19:00 every night because I would always learn so much during our conversations. After dinner we also always talked in the living room while we watched the news or football. We talked about everything from the differences in politics to our cultural differences. They were really nice when they let me borrow a prepaid local phone, in which I used for two weeks. Also, just so my roommate and I can have our own rooms, my host parents slept outside a camper parked on their driveway. They gave both my roommate and I out own keys so we can let ourselves in at night. I am definitely going to go visit them sometime in the future and they are always welcome to stay at my home, when they travel to the United States. 

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