Life in England, especially Bristol, is very different from here in the States. The first thing I noticed when I arrived in England was how small the cars were. I saw one Suburban the entire three weeks in Bristol. I could not stop talking about how everyone was so relaxed in Bristol compared to back here. Many people walk everywhere in Bristol as opposed to having to drive everywhere where I live. I thought it was interesting how they have a law against beeping your car horn in Bristol. When it comes to the roads in Bristol, it is way different. The roads were so skinny, the people have to park their little cars half way onto the side walk. I have never seen people park their cars like that here in the U.S. I noticed how there were barley any car garages throughout Bristol due to the space. Being in the car while they drive on the other side of the road took a few days to get used to. The houses all look pretty much exactly the same compared to houses here as well. All of Bristol was hilly compared to the plains back here in Illinois. I did not see one corn field when I was in England, and that is way different because I drive past corn fields the entire way down to ISU. In London and Dublin I noticed that there was a lot of security walking around with huge guns. It is different because I have never seen security like that in the US.
I also noticed how life was different when it comes to drinking alcohol in England, but especially Bristol. They are a lot more relaxed when it comes to their view on drinking beer in general. Their lifestyle of drinking would be considered border line alcoholism here in the U.S. I noticed that the younger people start drinking at pubs a lot earlier than here at ISU. Their view towards lager and cider in Bristol is, as if it is good for you. I also noticed how in Bristol/England here are no average restaurants; like a Chili’s here. Life is different because it seemed as if they people only go out to expensive or really inexpensive restaurants, if they go out at all. Public transportation in Bristol and England is different as well, there are a lot of double decker busses and high speed trains.
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