Sunday, September 12, 2010

Recommended sites to visit and see in Bristol, England.

Staying with the small town tours, I recommend you go on a couch tour of Bristol. With the first few days in Bristol, we saw the Clifton suspension bridge and we took a tour of the Georgian house.  I remember it bring really cool to see an empty river. The river through Bristol is empty because  the river drains in the morning and fills back up in the afternoon. If you like learning a lot of little history, you would like how the couch tour also took through the historic city where I learned the difference between Victorian style home and Georgian style homes. The reason why the homes are called Victorian is because they were built in the Queen Victoria era.  I recommend you go to the market named “Sweet” and try the world’s hottest hot sauce. That is exactly what a few friends of mine and I did one day. Warning: Drink milk after words, they sell it in the market, because water just makes it worse. The sandwiches at restaurants were very interesting looking and I liked most of them out of the ones I tried. They are not like sandwiches in the United States at all.  There was egg and tomato one and cucumbers and fish. On the way home from the market, I rode on a double Decker bus. I think that they should have them in America. While having dinner with my host family, I thought it was interesting how my host family mom or dad is the one how serves everyone at dinner. Also, I recommend you start looking at and studying the coins (British Pounds) because there are many different sizes and shapes. For example, they have a one pound coin instead of a one dollar bill. 

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